Tag Archives: Air Fuel Synthesis

“Oil from the air”, miracle for the future

CAPTURING carbon dioxide from the air we breathe every day, and turn it into fuel, while eliminating one of the main greenhouse gases produced by combustion of fossil fuels. Too good to be true? The coup, which could solve the energy crisis and help reduce global warming, has been managed by a small British company.

The Air Fuel Synthesis logo

In a small pilot refinery, the Air Fuel Synthesis situed in Stockton-on-Tees, in August has actually produced five gallons of gas using carbon dioxide and water vapor, demonstrating its feasibility. And in the next two years is believed to be able to expand on a commercial scale, reaching to produce one ton per day. The Independent in an exclusive service, which the newspaper and the website dedicated to open, speaks of “milestone” on the path to clean energy race, “holy Graal of green economy.” Continue reading

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