Senkaku Islands, Tokyo Moves the Air Force

The Japanese air force started let flying its fighters after a Chinese intrusion into the japanese airspace. The Japanese media reported that the F-15 took off after a Chinese aircraft had been intercepted by the radar while flying over the Senkaku Islands, which Beijing calls instead Diaoyus, shortly after 11 am (local time). This would be the first violation of airspace reported from Tokyo to China. The government, said spokesman Osamu Fujimura, has mobilized the F-15 as soon as the Chinese air has been located.
The voltage was increased as early as four hours before departure of the air force, when four Chinese vessels patrol had entered the waters of the Senkaku / Diaoyu, a move seen at least 15 other times in the last three months. A Japanese Coast Guard has ordered them to leave the area, but in response, according to the Kyodo news agency, has been told by the vessels that the waters are Chinese “since immemorial time”.

The Japanese Foreign Ministry has lodged a formal protest with the Chinese ambassador in Tokyo. The new incident comes on the day when Beijing recalls the Nanking Massacre, in which thousands of Chinese were killed by the military of the neighboring country in 1937. It ‘s the first time in the dispute over the islands that is officially claimed ownership the corresponding airspace.

A girl holding a placard takes part in an anti-Japan protest in Taipei

Such confrontations have become commonplace since Japan nationalised the East China Sea islands in September, a move it insisted amounted to nothing more than a change of ownership of what was already Japanese territory.

But Beijing reacted with fury, with observers saying the riots that erupted across China had at least tacit backing from the Communist Party government.

More informations: Tokyo buys Senkaku Islands to Avoid the War

About thefunambolo

Blogger, Social Media Manager, Laureato in "Economia, Politica e Istituzioni Internazionali" all'Università "Alma Ticinensis" di Pavia View all posts by thefunambolo

One response to “Senkaku Islands, Tokyo Moves the Air Force

  • Taiwan trema per i nuovi “giocattoli” della Cina | La Prospettiva del Funambolo

    […] Le relazioni tra Cina e Taiwan rimangono certamente fredde, anche se nel corso degli ultimi mesi ci sono stati avvicinamenti e allontanamenti da entrambe le parti. L’opzione militare cinese, per quanto poco realmente praticabile, rimane sempre tra le possibilità, anche se le relazioni diplomatiche di Beijing nei confronti dei suoi vicini non sono poi così esaltanti. Soprattutto per quanto riguarda gli aspetti del mare, dal momento che negli ultimi anni sono stati sfiorati più di una volta seri incidenti diplomatici con il Vietnam piuttosto che con l’eterno rivale, il Giappone, sulla questione delle isole Senkaku/Diaoyu. […]

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